Community | People
With Christmas and New Year around the corner, it is a great time to share more of your caring nature with everyone. Not only to your friends and family but to others who are in need. In light of the current situation with COVID and Omicron, it should not affect our festive moods and our need to have a better time in the new year. At Rural Handmade, we find that supporting charities is a step to help those heavily affected by world events. However, where do we begin with charities? We would like to share our top 5 picks of charities you could support during this festive season.
Business Management | Resources
Times have changed and so have the ways of shopping. Most retailers are urgently moving or have already moved to eCommerce. But the customers always remain the same.
Business Management | Resources
B2B business is about one business making a commercial transaction with another business.
Business Management | Resources
Finding your target audience is an important element to consider when starting out.
Business Management | Resources
Charity is the practice of benevolent giving. Charity organizations are non-profitable and they heavily rely on the generosity of the public to help by donating money, goods, time and shopping with them. It is very important for them to get a consistent fund and donation for them to survive. In order to survive, becoming more and more apparent and reachable is the way to grow their presence. By having a website they can expand their visibility and brand.
Trends | Gifts
Finally, we have reached this year’s festive season filled with Christmas joy and celebrations. It is also the time to think of gifts and share our appreciation with other people. Gifts that can be very thoughtful or simply bring a smile to one another. There is a wide range of gifts that you can give, but handmade gifts could be a great alternative you should consider. There are many reasons why you should consider them. Here are the top 7 reasons why you should try out handmade gifts:

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