In 2021, Rae Dunn’s transformation from a small-scale ceramic artist selling at craft fairs to a multi-million-dollar brand showcased the extraordinary potential of handmade businesses. What started as a passion for simple, hand-lettered ceramics evolved into a coveted collection, with fans lining up at stores before sunrise. Beyond the clay and glaze, her success hinged on a unique brand identity, unwavering customer loyalty, and demand-driven pricing.

Sustainability | Environmental
What is the difference between reuse and upcycling? The difference between reuse and upcycling is that reusing an item is the act of taking an old item and, instead of throwing it away, you find a new use for it. Upcycling is the process of reusing objects or materials to create a product with a higher quality of value. This is done to reduce waste and to get the most use out of the resources we have.
Community | People
Out of the year 2021 and into the new year of 2022. Although omicron is still floating around among the minds of the general public, we should not let it decide our future goals and plans. So what’s a better way to help people connect through digital outreach and the usage of the internet.
Market Insights | Resources
If you are looking to start your own jewellery business and want to learn more about gemstones that you can use in your jewellery, but don't know what you are looking for, then here are some tips on how to buy and source ethical gemstones:
Diy | Living
Part 2 of 32 Crafts of SouthEast Asia
Diy | Living
SouthEast Asia is famous for its traditional crafts, from intricate durrie rugs to wooden carvings! It is clear that the appeal for these crafts has risen since the modification of the crafts, bringing the world a blend of old and new. These crafts have been developed carefully through time and have now been modified for our modern pallet! The authenticity still seeps through the crafts that have been adapted for the 21st century. In this blog we will together explore the different crafts, their origins and how they're made. So keep reading to find out more!
Market Insights | Resources
Some companies use deceptive digital marketing tactics on their websites and a lot of people end up falling for them. Here are the top deceptive marketing strategies used by some companies and tips on how to keep yourself protected.

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