In the intricate world of Designing where never-ending creativity and detailing is the key to long run success, we today dive into the process or the way design comes into reality. It represents a journey through understanding, ideation and constant refining. We will uncover its nuances, unravelling its mysteries and celebrate the process that fuels passion and creativity.

Sustainability | Social

A post-COVID-19 world is expected to see a lot of changes on a fundamental level on how people will carry on with their lives. Taking a lead on this, I will like to share few insights from an EPCH webinar I recently attended on the topic “Neo-Normal – a post Pandemic forecast of Handicrafts & Lifestyle Products “ conducted by the esteemed Dr. Kaustav Sengupta – Associate Professor at NIFT Chennai.  


The discussion revolved around considering six design themes to craft handmade products for neo consumers in a post-pandemic world which is forecasted to have a positive upturn.

The discussion revolved around considering six design themes to craft handmade products for neo consumers in a post-pandemic world which is forecasted to have a positive upturn. The six themes are:

Community | People
The retail industry or what we call the brick and mortar stores were already at an inflection point with at least 15% customer base shifting towards buying on e-commerce platforms. During and post Covid-19, trend is expected to continue due to store closures and decline in spending on non-essential products.


We are determined to end poverty and hunger, in all their forms and dimensions, and to ensure that all human beings can fulfill their potential in dignity and equality and in a healthy environment.


but lack innovation we work in partnership and help them came in sync with the consumer trends and buyimg behavior , eventually suppoarting them till the critical support point


You want to be sure that the handmade product you buy has an enthralling eye towards you. Let’s go back to the manual process of handmade and understand how Rural Handmade will connect the..


but lack innovation we work in partnership and help them came in sync with the consumer trends and buyimg behavior , eventually suppoarting them till the critical support point

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