In the intricate world of Designing where never-ending creativity and detailing is the key to long run success, we today dive into the process or the way design comes into reality. It represents a journey through understanding, ideation and constant refining. We will uncover its nuances, unravelling its mysteries and celebrate the process that fuels passion and creativity.

Business Management | Youtube
Konark Ogra from Rural Handmade talks about the future of handmade and how Rural Handmade is working towards building the Alibaba for Handmade and Sustainable goods with technology.
Home And Living | Shop By Values
A recent John lewis (2020) report mentioned about the resurfacing of wooden toys, with the increasing disregard for plastic and sustainability taking center stage in buying decision, There are many reasons wooden toys are better—not only for your child, but for the environment as well. They’re more durable, can be shared, sustainable (yielding less waste than their plastic counterparts), biodegradable and may even be made with sustainable and organic wood. Good quality, eco-friendly wooden toys also don’t contain harmful chemicals like PVC, phthalates, or similar chemicals used in plastic toys.
Business Management | Resources
Modern startups run on digital tools. From communicating with customers, collaborating internally or protecting their assets, inbound and outbound marketing, interactive sales and entrepreneurs should know that there’s a digital platform or service for everything. In order to stay afloat, entrepreneurs must start off strong with some of the following digital tools. Embracing digital tools post covid is a must and will create newer opportunities for integration, growth and success down the road.
Sustainability | People
In the last 80 years, the Covid-19 pandemic has been the biggest existential crisis faced by us humans. The Covid-19 has deeply affected European consumer sentiment, many have delayed purchases as a result of the crises. Key shifts have been towards essential goods, adoption towards digital solutions, change of loyalty towards small and local businesses.
Sustainability | Impact
Shopping has been fundamentally at the core of our financial spending for humans for centuries. Buying Local was mainstream for over 1000 years, but in the last 50 years, big box companies have been able to optimize supply chains and negotiate better rates from the biggest manufacturers, thus reducing the market share of the small business owners and local businesses. However, with the changing consumer sentiment, equitable access to the supply chains, easy access to the internet, and lower customer acquisition costs small businesses can now give competition to the large big box players.
Market Insights | Resources
Most keywords for searches on google are expensive and it's very challenging to outcompete big-box players on generic keywords. The most sustainable way for digital hacking for your brand would be:

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