In 2021, Rae Dunn’s transformation from a small-scale ceramic artist selling at craft fairs to a multi-million-dollar brand showcased the extraordinary potential of handmade businesses. What started as a passion for simple, hand-lettered ceramics evolved into a coveted collection, with fans lining up at stores before sunrise. Beyond the clay and glaze, her success hinged on a unique brand identity, unwavering customer loyalty, and demand-driven pricing.

Sustainability | Social
The Atlas Mountains Stretching 2500km across North Africa's Sahara Desert, the Atlas Mountains are a mountain range that lays claim to much of Eastern Morocco. In an area of diverse terrain, life has managed to survive and settle from the snowy, dizzyingly high altitude peaks of the High Atlas range to the scorching, arid plains of the Saharan desert.
Market Insights | Resources
Here we will discuss about how easy it easy to engage in cross border trade as a business
Community | People
For the general public, fundraisers are events to increase awareness and raise money for a valuable cause. Charities would simply know that these fundraising events are a great way to connect with the community and encourage them to take part. So is there a way we improve the fundraising experience with handicrafts?
Business Management | Resources
Here are the top strategies that you should use to grow your small business
Sustainability | Environmental
With sustainability becoming a more significant part of our daily life, most businesses have adapted to these changes. So they tend to have a large variety of jargon throughout their pages, which they use to describe all the changes done and the different methods they use to become a viable option for sustainable business such as yours! As we search through the various pages of brands and manufacturers, we can sometimes become overwhelmed by all the acronyms found throughout them. There is such a broad aspect to sustainability and different needs for different industries. Having a business such as yours comes with the responsibility of keeping yourself and your consumers updated on all aspects of your trade, and brands/manufacturers are not an exception to this. We have here compiled and organised alphabetically the 15 top most talked-about jargon and acronyms that your business may come across!
Trends | Shop By Values
Interior design is an important yet (previously) overlooked aspect of our lives. Through media popularisation including TV shows such as ‘60 Minute Makeover’, over the years people have started paying more and more attention to interior design and the aesthetic of their households and/or workplace.

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