5 Social Impacts Of Using Handmade Products For Fundraisers
Nov 15, 2021 | Angelo Echave

When charities receive donations, they usually come from individuals who are already aligned with their social impact and would love to help in any way they can.
On the other hand, fundraisers give charities a chance to reach out to the community and help them understand that they are there for their mission. That they need their help to achieve.
An example would be the Felix Project and its fundraising page. Their page alone shows the great fun and awareness built by fundraisers among the local community. This was a moment for the community to understand that the Felix Project is raising awareness about hunger in the UK.
So where do handicrafts come in? Why should handicrafts be used for fundraising events?
Let’s first talk about the social, economical and environmental aspects of using Handicrafts.
Socioeconomic and Environmental Impacts
Let me ask everyone a quick question. What do you think is the general public view about handicrafts in developing countries?
The positive outlooks might be along the lines of helping these crafters get out of poverty or helping the local community. On the other side, the cost could be too much because of transportation or the quality is not as good as industrially-made.
What we can say is that handicrafts are fairly simple.
It is a system where a crafter is very passionate about their craft but has not found a client to trade their work to.

However, shoppers are becoming more sustainably conscious of their purchases. This is an interest that fundraisers could capitalise on. With the internet, the fundraisers could find a match for their event.
So what’s so good about handicrafts in fundraisers? Well, here are 5 different perspectives:
1) Mission sharing
Using handicrafts in fundraisers is another way to share the cause you follow but with a unique handmade product that supports it. For example, if a fundraiser is focused on helping those in poverty - we can share handmade products that were produced in developing countries. This would give a direct feeling of helping those during the fundraiser.

Most times, donations are made by those who know about your social positive ambitions. However, what about those who are new to the charity or just heard about you?
It’s fairly simple to remember ambitions and words if you have something to help push that deeper in a person’s mind. This is why handicrafts can give the extra push to showcase the positive mission you aim to achieve.
2) Sustainably handmade
A great characteristic of handmade products is that the majority is environmentally and sustainably made by hand. Think of a wooden chair. If it was made by machines, you would have to consider CO2 emissions, whereas if it was handmade, the handcrafter will take their time with the materials and maybe use recycled or unused materials.

Nowadays, the average shopper has become consciously aware of being environmentally friendly with their purchases. Let these handmade products be a sign to everyone that your fundraiser has the drive to reach a positive social impact while being sustainable and environmentally supportive.
It’s very easy to take that step to become more environmental with each large event like fundraisers.
3) Handcraft support
Behind every handcrafted product is the story of the handcrafter and in this case, the time they spent thinking and crafting the unique product for the fundraising event. These artisans are passionate about their craft and appreciate it when individuals recognize the handwork they place into each product.
Using their products during a fundraiser event is a great way of getting them involved which makes the event more special.

In a sense, charities are a great mediator to connect western helpers to those who need help. It does not have to be a one-way system where donations are made to support projects for others. These great helpers can build a direct relationship with the artisans and help them build their skills and awareness among many more.
4) Showing appreciation
Similar to thanking the handcrafters for their unique crafts, fundraising representatives can also show their appreciation towards the participants of the event. Let it be a wristband that states, “Joined [event name] at [year]”.
Just like concerts or conventions, it is a nice and simple way to say, “Thank you for being a part of our fundraising event” which can also give a sense of satisfaction to the people who participated.

Fundraising does not stop at the moment which the event ends. Rather, it is the initial start of a new project and word-of-mouth that is shared among different communities.
By encouraging more individuals to take part, knowledge and support for the social impact becomes grander and well-known among others. So let’s show our appreciation to those giving their time to take part and share in the charity’s ambitions.
5) Momento for public benefit
In addition, this handmade product will become a symbol or memento for the participating individual. It will remind them of the charitable work they have done by taking part in the fundraiser. Potentially, they could show their memento to friends and family. It could encourage them to take part in fundraisers in the future.

Let me give you an example. When you go on holiday to another country, you get to experience many new things. However, before you go travel back home, what is the most common thing people do. They would purchase souvenirs to remind them of their travels.
Why can’t we use handcrafted products in a similar manner?
Handmade in Fundraising
Of course, handmade products could mean different things for different individuals. We could think about the sustainable side or maybe handicraft becoming the step towards the United Nations sustainable development goals.
All in all, handmade products have a staple of supporting creative artisans. Whether it is a local crafter or one from a developing country; all crafters long to share their passion and receive praise for their hard work.
Fundraising is already a simple event of supporting a particular cause. You can show your appreciation by sharing a baked good, like a cupcake, with people who contribute.

But, why not take the extra step of exploring other positive by-products like helping handcrafters in developing countries. Besides fundraising events, we have also explored a general view of how charities can use handmade products.
If you would like to hear more about handicrafters in developing countries or what could be used for events, like fundraisers. I recommend speaking with Rural Handmade.
Come visit our website and have a chat with us.
Contact us at support@ruralhandmade.com.
We look forward to hearing your thoughts on the matter and whether you wish to support these handicrafters in developing countries.
Let’s work together and bring a positive change for creative artisans and charities.