In 2021, Rae Dunn’s transformation from a small-scale ceramic artist selling at craft fairs to a multi-million-dollar brand showcased the extraordinary potential of handmade businesses. What started as a passion for simple, hand-lettered ceramics evolved into a coveted collection, with fans lining up at stores before sunrise. Beyond the clay and glaze, her success hinged on a unique brand identity, unwavering customer loyalty, and demand-driven pricing.

Business Management | Resources
Though being a booming industry before the destabilising effect of the Covid-19 pandemic, e-commerce has now been cemented as a major part of global commerce for years to come in the post-pandemic world. Companies today have had no choice but to adapt to the rapid digitalisation of their business models and supply chain processes in order to survive. With this digital revolution now afoot, efficiency and proper communication at the front and back ends of the supply chain must be prioritised for longevity and success, especially when connectivity serves as a key pillar of e-commerce. Indeed, a successful and an efficient supply chain go hand in hand, and one of the best ways to achieve and maintain this, especially when conducting B2B transactions across borders, is to prioritise clear communication and consistency. Incoterms, short for International Commercial Terms, are perhaps one of the best ways to go about achieving this, yet their value may not always be known by B2B entrepreneurs within the realm of e-commerce. In this post we will explore what exactly these international terms are, their usefulness within the supply chain network when conducting B2B e-commerce, and how to go about choosing the most advantageous Incoterm for your next cross border business transaction.
Diy | Giving
Extraction of Natural dyes starts from plants and their different parts like bark, roots, fruits, flowers, and other parts of plants and some natural minerals. Natural dyeing is a traditional practice done by many artisanal communities in different counties, and it has a significant play in the sustainable textile industry. Nowadays, Natural dyes are used in small quantities by Craftsmen. Another commercial use of natural dyes responds to concerns about synthetic dyes and environmental pollution. Natural dyes are a renewable source of dyes. However, natural dyes do not compete with artificial dyes in many commercial applications. Here in this article, you will get a complete guide on performing natural dyeing.
Diy | Living
It is an old method of textile production, In which human resources thoroughly do the weaving without the use of any electricity. The weaving is performed in PIT LOOM or HANDLOOM; These are the wooden machines assembled in a specific order to interlace two sets of yarns.
Market Insights | Resources
Malaysia is a country founded in Southeast Asia and often being mislooked due to Indonesia having a bigger size in the world map. Although sharing an almost similar language and culture, Malaysia is more culturally diverse and composed of numerous landmarks that portrays the influence of history towards the country.
Market Insights | Resources
Cameroon has a multi-ethnic population and each ethnic has a specific culture and language. Among these ethnicities, we can find different traditional tools and equipment used in different ceremonies.Each traditional tool has a very high value and significance. In most ethnicities, dance and music are the main part of their culture.
Sustainability | Environmental

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