A handbag with shells on it or a tote bag with lovely colors is a unique and stylish accessory that will stand out from typical bags.
These bags can be used for a variety of occasions, including beach trips, shopping, and everyday use.
The tote bag is large enough to carry all of your essentials, making it perfect for busy women on the go.
The handbag is made with sturdy materials, ensuring it can withstand daily wear and tear.
bags are easy to clean and maintain, making them a practical choice. Shells on the bag give a natural feel, and using these bags is a great way to support environmentally conscious fashion.
These bags make excellent gifts for birthdays, holidays, or other special occasions.
Length : 20 cm
Breadth : 10 cm
Height : 20 cm
Each order is independently inspected and monitored by a third party service providers. Our Service quality partners visit the facilities and follow a established process to check developments and closely monitor progress.
Best in Class Shipping Service, on RuralHandmade.com
Paypal, Stripe
$15.72 - $39.3
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$15.72 - $39.3
$15.72 - $39.3
$15.72 - $39.3
$15.72 - $39.3
$15.72 - $39.3
$15.72 - $39.3
$15.72 - $39.3
$15.72 - $39.3
$14.41 - $20.96
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$5.764 - $14.41
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$5.24 - $13.1
$4.716 - $11.79
$2.096 - $5.24
$2.62 - $6.55
$3.144 - $7.86
$3.406 - $8.515
$1.834 - $4.585
$2.62 - $6.55
Rural Handmade has a extensive curated collections from Global paertners, Providing dedicated support, from design, order placement, customizations to seamless logistics.