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Top 5 White Label Solutions For Small Businesses In 2022

Mar 15, 2022 | Gulsen Vural

Discover the latest developments in the world of white labelling, with our 5 top white label solutions for small businesses in 2022. We're talking, CX and Tech, A Brand with Purpose and Transparency, the Power of Product Imaging, a Streamlined Omnichannel Journey, and unlock the process of Made-to-Order.

   1. Customer Experience (CX) and Technology

Customer experience is fast becoming a major key differentiator for eCommerce retailers (no matter what size your business is). A sufficient focus was not provided on pre-emptive customer experience (CX) solutions during 2021. As anticipated, key trends for 2022 are now focused on improved technology and self-service.

Covid-19 accelerated digitalization at a large scale, forcing people to fully immerse themselves in it. Livestream shopping, social commerce, and supply chain disruptions are just a few examples of how retail has been challenged on multiple fronts in the past year, resulting in a dramatic shift toward digital transformation.

Customers are looking for on-site self-service, making it possible for them to access information about brands, and complete actions on your site without the support of customer service.

90% of customers visit a company's website first before contacting a company and 80% are most satisfied if they can get answers fast online


This year, increasing levels of personalisation within communication will be a big trend in business as organisations work to leverage technology to build closer, more personalized relationships with customers. Businesses are recognising the importance of personalising email headers, subject lines and improving conversational chatbots integrated into websites using natural language processing (NLP).

Businesses are now investing heavily in strategies that recognise and maximise selling opportunities using CX and AI in 2022, determining the best time to send a customised offer that can help solve any challenges the potential client is facing at the time. Artificial intelligence (AI) and the internet of things (IoT) tools in marketing, product development, and customer service allow companies to improve customer experiences.

It's all about reaching the right customer at the right time and adding personal touches using cutting-edge automation tools to get the customer experience right.

 ‘Key trends in 2022 are now focused on improved technology and self-service’.

2.     A Brand with Purpose and Transparency Pursuit


A business’s purpose is becoming increasingly important in a crowded market. A new generation of consumers look for brands that are driven for a positive and transparent reason in what they do.


Raphael Bemporad, behind the report ‘Brand Purpose in Undivided Times’, expressed that ‘'customers are asking for businesses to stand for something bigger than the items they sell’’. ‘People want brands to have an inspiring ethos, bring a strong point of view, and take an action to making a positive difference in the world’.


Beyond producing money, a brand's purpose is what drives it to exist. If you want a truly powerful brand purpose, it must be related to the products or services you are offering. For example, if you are in the training sector, your purpose may be to help support and shape the futures of those you train in your industry.


Brands and consumers now have unlimited access to businesses online as the rise of social media, and online interaction propels incredible experiences, it also adds a layer of responsibility to everyone involved.


Consumers define transparency in many ways, and according to
SocialSprout, a large number of people define transparency within a business as open (59%), clear (53%), and honest (49%). 

To be purpose-driven and transparent, a brand must establish what they stand for, match their core values to the products/services they deliver, be transparent about the positive impact they have, and convey the reason why they are empowered to operate their business through storey telling.

The brands that prioritize transparency in their social stance reap significant benefits, including increased consumer trust, a stronger brand reputation and sales.

‘Stand for something bigger than the items you sell.’

3.     The Power of Product Images

The value of product photography in 2022 has skyrocketed. As more businesses have shifted online, the importance of brand perception lies with how you present your products online.

Your ability to attract customers will determine whether you get more sales. The psychology behind the way product photos is a crucial decision-making factor on whether someone wants to buy your products.

According to Wayne Smith from Ampilio, he found that 70% of people’s decision to make a purchase on Amazon is down to the product image. The power of product images transforms your offerings from options to sales as the eyes do a lot of the work for the brain.

What makes a good product image?

Your product images should be clean, unblurred and centred on the product. You need to showcase the quality and the value of the product to build credibility and trust.  It creates a positive association for both the seller and the product when images are bright, crisp, and clear.

Avoid dark and grainy images, as it will convey a lack of care and may give a poor impression, leading to distrust and a negative view towards your brand. 

Ask your vendors or manufacturers whether they have any professional images of the products, if not take initiative a get a product image taken by either yourself or outsource it to a professional.

‘’Clear, bright, and varied images allow for a stronger connection and builds brand trust!’’

4.     Streamlined omnichannel journey


Customer expectations have shifted. The omnichannel journey needs to become more streamlined to retain your customers in the age of shopping cart abandonment. 


Due to an increase in direct contact online, the change to digital triggered by the pandemic has made it easier for merchants to lead. This ensures a consistent experience for your customers across all platforms.

It’s now easier for shoppers to contact their favorite brands online and presents businesses with an unprecedented chance to listen to and understand their customers.


Wix predicted that the e-commerce market will generate $5.42 trillion in annual sales in 2022, and by 2040, 95% of all purchases will be made online.

Omnichannel statics show that orders placed online and picked up in brick-and-mortar stores grew 208% during the pandemic. 90% of respondents stated that they expect consistency in communication across all media.

Harvard Business Review study also saw that 46,000 shoppers spent more money on brands using omnichannel rather than a single channel customer.

To harness the power of your brand, ensuring your e-commerce store is set up for a smooth conversion is essential to retain your customers- typical brick-and-mortar stores will flourish the most within an omnichannel journey.


It could be a social ad, an email newsletter, a mobile push notification, an app, a chatbot conversion, or a digital face-to-face interaction, breaking down the barriers between business channels allows consumers to interact with a company in a way that best suits them and feels natural to them.

'90% of respondents stated that they expect consistency in communication across all media.'

5.     Made-to-Order Unlocked

Brands are now seen telling their customers that they are producing made-to-order products to help them understand that it was created especially for them and not a mass-produced item.


With this process, there is no overproduction and exhaustion in supply and demand business-owners are producing what sells. The manufacturing process reduces waste; minimizes the risk of inefficiency by cutting unnecessary costs; avoids utilising resource capacity and allows for personalization of output.


‘'Companies do not want to carry inventory as it's risky from an economic point of view. The economic model behind made-to-order is stronger than mass production.''- Wickstead


Millennials are also seen looking for high-sustainability values from brands. They are willing to pay more towards retailers that source eco-friendly products and hold sustainable business practices. The global sustainability market is predicted to grow 24% annually for the next seven years.


50% of people also want more personalised orders and want to be part of their product purchase. Consumers have now evolved into both critics and creators, seeking more personalized services and expecting to have a role in the products and services they use.


Made-to-order products are now more valued as it allows for a personal experience all whilst being a sustainable practice. It's a joint obligation for us to produce what people want!

'The economic model behind made-to-order is stronger than mass production.'

6.     Rural Handmade

What we do and how we help small businesses.

At Rural Handmade, we have the world’s largest inventory of handmade products- over a million products in fact!

We help small businesses, artisan, and maker communities connect to a global supply chain so they can commission their design ideas into products, using sustainable practices. We even manage the entire supply chain services for our partners.

Think simplicity and convenience. We handle it all, from the conceptualization of your product idea to the shipping, handling, and delivery.

If you are looking to have any of your designs commissioned sustainably within the handmade sector, would like to personalize any of our handmade goods, or simply want to find out more on how we could potentially help you contact our team!

Get hold of us through email (, phone (+44 7456176631), or head over the chatbot on our website. 

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